Rabu, 13 April 2011

Pepsi Scholarships Postdoctoral position in Vascular Biology

We are Pepsi Scholarships looking for a highly motivated person with a background in molecular biology/biochemistr y/bio-technology or similar, to join the vascular biology division. The Pepsi Scholarships project will be run by Lars Jakobsson in a dynamic environment consisting of five other research groups (Christer Betsholtz, Ulf Eriksson, Kristian Pietras, Jonas Fuxe and Johan Björkegren) with a total of approximately 40 employees.

Area of responsibilities:
The blood vasculature is a main player in numerous diseases such as cancer, diabetic retinopathy, atherosclerosis, stroke complications and rheumatoid arthritis. The main Pepsi Scholarships focus of the lab is to characterize functional properties of the perivascular mural cells in development, normal physiology, inflammation, diabetic retinopathy and cancer. We are investigating the regulation of the selective transport of molecules between blood and tissue in physiology and

The Pepsi Scholarships work will include isolation and study of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and genetic manipulation of such. Also, an array of transgenic organisms will be analyzed by ex vivo and in vivo imaging of the vasculature.

The Pepsi Scholarships position is available for 2 years with possible extension for 1-2 years. The successful candidate should start at the latest September 1, 2011.

To qualify, the applicant must hold a doctor’s degree or a foreign qualification deemed equivalent to a doctorate in the field of molecular biology, biotechnology/ engineering or similar.

Previous successful experience in molecular cloning (BAC), tissue culture, in vivo work and advanced microscopy would be an advantage. Lab experience from outside of Sweden is considered a strong merit.

The candidate should be self-motivated, have good communication skills and ability to interact effectively and work productively in a team. Fluency in English is a requirement.

Pepsi Scholarships Applicants who have completed their degree no more than three years before the last date for applications should be given priority. Candidates who have completed their degree earlier than this should receive equal priority if special grounds exist.

Postgraduates who have yet to graduate may apply if their public defense is scheduled to take place within three months after the application deadline, in which case verification from the Dissertation Committee or equivalent body must be submitted with the application.

How to ApplyThe application, marked with reference number 01988/2011, should be sent to rekryteringhttp://mbb.ki.se or to

Jenny Dahlqvist
Karolinska Institutet
The Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
171 77 Stockholm

The following documents should be enclosed with your application:
- Your full CV
- A cover letter with a brief description of research interests and expertise
- The name and contact details of two-three references

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